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  • 執筆者の写真マナティチーム





海洋ゴミ回収を新しいアクティビティに昇華し、新しい社会を作る活動を広げる金城氏。とかく、独りよがり、善意の押し付けになりがちなごみ拾いという活動を地元と観光客が楽しみながら融和していく仕組み作りの根底にあるものとは? Mis. Kaneshiro sublimates marine litter collection into a new activity and expands activities to create a new society. What lies at the root of his efforts to create a system that allows local people and tourists to enjoy and harmonize the activity of garbage collection, which tends to be a self-indulgent and self-serving activity, and to impose good intentions on others? 「サンゴが死んじゃうよ」と注意されたことをきっかけに観光と環境の問題に取り組むべく2017年「サンゴに優しい日焼け止め」の企画販売を開始。 2020年からは地域とビジターを繋ぐ「プロジェクトマナティ」を立ち上げ、いつでも気軽クリーンアップでき、地域の人と繋がるプロジェクトを始動。協力拠点が100箇所以上に広がり、多くの地域と共に優しさで繋がる輪を広げている。 JCI JAPAN TOYP 2019 環境大臣奨励賞 サンゴに優しい日焼け止め ソーシャルプロダクツ・アワード2021年度 ソーシャルプロダクツ賞 生物多様性アクション大賞2018 審査員賞 Yukino Kinjyo started planning and selling "coral-friendly sunscreen" in 2017 to address the issues of tourism and the environment after being warned that "coral will die. In 2020, She launched "Project Manatii," a project to connect local communities and visitors, allowing them to clean up anytime they want and connect with local people. The number of cooperating locations has expanded to over 100, and the project is expanding its circle of kindness and connection with many communities. YUKINO KINJO JCI JAPAN TOYP 2019 Minister of the Environment Encouragement Award Coral-friendly sunscreen Social Products Award 2021 Social Products Prize Biodiversity Action Award 2018 Jury Prize This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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